Good Internet / 8.16.17

Good Internet / 8.16.17 — kelsey stefanson — creative direction + graphic design —

#FuckNazis edition

To read

Angry White Boys (National Review)

“A great many of these young men have an interest in evolutionary psychology and evolutionary sociology — they like to think of themselves as ‘alpha males,’ as though they were living in a chimpanzee troop — but it never occurs to them to consider their own status as rejects and failed men in that context.”

To Watch

via Matt Ford

To Watch

Charlottesville: Race and Terror  (VICE News Tonight on HBO/YouTube)

By now everyone has probably watched this or at least scrolled past the link to it. It’s very uncomfortable and disturbing to watch — and that’s the point. These fucksticks are insane and their rhetoric makes me want to roll my eyes so far back into my head that they get stuck, but they are serious about their “goals” and they are using force. We NEED to be disturbed and discomfited by them.

To Watch

Scared white supremacist takes off his uniform (CJ Hunt/YouTube)

See above, re: eye-rolling and discomfort.


