Where to Watch tHe 2024-25 Oscar Nominees & Contenders
Use the filters below to find a 2025 Oscar nominee or contender on your favorite streaming service(s). A film is displayed as “streaming” if it’s available in the U.S. for free (with a subscription or library card) on a streaming service — click the JustWatch link on any film’s page to see more viewing options.
Click here to see all Oscar nomination categories. Click here to see a list of all the other awards nominations and wins that have been catalogued.
- Paramount Plus, Paramount Plus Apple TV Channel, Paramount+ Amazon Channel, Paramount+ Roku Premium Channel
- Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Prime Video with Ads, Freevee, Kocowa, OnDemandKorea, Peacock Premium, Peacock Premium Plus
- Klassiki
- Netflix, Netflix basic with ads
- AMC Plus Apple TV Channel, AMC+, Hulu, JustWatch
About this project
Designed and built by Kelsey Stefanson (me).
Data collected and collated using Web Scraper, AirTable, and Google Sheets.
Built on WordPress with plugins Elementor Pro, Pods, WP All Import, Search and Filter Pro, and others.
Film data from JustWatch and Letterboxd.
Typefaces used are Instrument Serif, Fraunces, and Roboto Mono from Google fonts.
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